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Engineering Drawing

Engineering Drawing
EG 1104 AR
Total: 4 hour /week
Year:        I
Lecture: 1 hours/week 
Semester:  I
Tutorial:  hours/week
Practical: 3 hours/week
Course Description:
This course deals with geometrical construction, orthographic projections and basic techniques of freehand sketch.
Course Objectives:
After completing this course the students will be able to:
1.     Present different shapes accurately. 
2.     Apply geometrical constructions, project point, line, plane and geometrical solids.
3.     Present three dimensional objects in orthographic from and dimension them.
4.     Use freehand techniques to sketch different shapes.
Course Contents:
Unit 1.
Introduction:       [4]
1.1       Engineering drawing as graphic language                                                        
1.2       Drawing instruments                                                                                         
1.3       Scale: Reduced scale, enlarged scale, full size scale                                        
1.4       Conventional line types                                                                                    
1.5       Sheet size and sheet layout                                                                               
1.6       Exercise on drawing horizontal, vertical and inclined lines and conventional line types [Sheet 1]      
Unit 2.
Technical Lettering:                                                                                                   [4]
2.1       General procedure for freehand technical lettering: letter stroke, letter
              proportion, use of pencil and pens, uniformity of letters                                  
2.2       Single stroke vertical capital letters, Single stroke inclined capital letters, Single stroke vertical lowercase letters, Single stroke inclined lowercase letters, vertical and inclined numerals, vertical and inclined fractions           
2.3       Lettering using templates                                                                                  
2.4       Exercise on freehand technical lettering and lettering using templates [Sheet 2]
Unit 3.
Geometrical Construction:                                                                                      [12]
3.1       Construction on straight lines and angles                                                         
            Bisection and trisection of a straight line, Bisection and trisection of an angle, To draw perpendicular lines, To draw parallel lines, To divide a straight line

into any number of equal parts, To divide a straight line proportionately, To draw an angle equal to given angle     

Construction of polygons                                                                                  

To draw triangles, To inscribe a circle of a triangle and circumscribe a circle about a given circle, To draw squares, To draw a regular polygon, To draw a
regular hexagon, To draw a regular octagon, To draw a regular polygon
(general method)                                                                                               

Exercise on construction on straight lines and angles and construction of polygons
[Sheet 3]

Construction on circular arcs and circles                                                          

To determine center of a given arc, To draw a circle passing through three given points, To draw an arc tangent to given two straight lines, To draw an arc tangent to given straight line and a given circle or circular arc, To draw an arc tangent to given two circles or circular arcs, To draw open belt and cross belt tangents, To draw an ogee curve between two parallel lines       

Exercise on construction on circular arcs and circles [Sheet 4]                       

Construction of standard curves                                                                       

Construction of parabola, ellipse, hyperbola, cycloid, helix, spiral, involute 

Exercise on construction of standard curves [Sheet 5]                                     
Unit 4.
Dimensioning:     [4]
4.1       Dimensioning terms and notations                                                                   
4.2       Techniques of dimensioning: Size and location dimensioning           4.3             Placement of dimensions: Aligned and Unidirectional system           
4.4       Rules for dimensioning and conventions                                                          
4.5       Exercise on dimensioning of two dimensional figures including straight line,
              angles, circles, circular arcs [Sheet 6]                                                              
Unit 5.
Projection of Points, Lines and Planes:                                                                    [8]
5.1       Principle of projection                                                                                      
5.2       Principle planes of projections, four quadrants                                                
5.3       Projection of point                                                                                            
            Projection of point on two planes of projection, Projection of point on three planes of projection     5.4      Projection of line         
            Projection of line perpendicular to VP, Projection of line perpendicular to HP, Projection of line parallel to both VP and HP, Projection of line parallel to VP and inclined to HP, Projection of line parallel to HP and inclined to VP,
              Projection of line inclined to both VP and HP                                                 
5.5       Exercise on projection of point and line [Sheet 7]                                           
5.6       Projection of plane                                                                                            

            Projection of plane parallel to VP, Projection of plane parallel to HP, Projection of plane perpendicular to both VP and HP, Projection of plane perpendicular to VP and inclined to HP, Projection of plane perpendicular to
              HP and inclined to VP                                                                                      
5.7       True Length of an Oblique Line                                                                       
5.8       True shape of an Oblique Plane                                                                        
5.9       Exercise on projection of plane; true length of an oblique line; true shape of an oblique plane [Sheet 8]            
Unit 6.
Projection of Geometrical Solids:                                                                              [4]
6.1       Types of Solids: Polyhedra and Solids of revolution                                       
6.2       Projection of geometrical solids: Prism, Cylinder, Pyramid and Cone            
6.3       Projection of points on the surfaces solids                                                       
6.4       Exercise on projection of cylinder, prism, cone and pyramid; Projection of
              points on the surfaces of these solids [Sheet 9]                                                
Unit 7.
 Orthographic Projection:                                                                                        [20]
7.1       Principle of Orthographic Projection                                                                
7.2       Systems of Orthographic Projection: First Angle and Third Angle                 
7.3       Making an Orthographic Drawing                                                                    
7.4       Analysis in Three Views                                                                                   
7.5       Exercise on orthographic projection of rectangular objects with horizontal and vertical plane surfaces [Sheet 10]        
            Exercise on orthographic projection of rectangular objects with inclined plane surfaces [Sheet 11]      
            Exercise on orthographic projection of objects with cylindrical surfaces [Sheet 12 &13] 
            Exercise on orthographic projection and dimensioning [Sheet 14]                  
Unit 8.
Freehand Sketching:                                                                                                   [4]
8.1       Techniques of Sketching: Pencil hardness, paper with grid or lines                
8.2       Techniques for horizontal and vertical lines; arcs and circles                          
8.3       Exercise on freehand sketches of different shapes with lines, arcs, and circles [Sheet 15]
Reference books:
1.     Luzadder, W.J., Fundamental of Engineering Drawing, Prentice-Hall of India Pvt-Ltd., New Delhi, Latest edition. 
2.     Bhatt N. D. and PanchalV.M.,  Engineering Drawing, Charotar Publishing House, 2001.
3.     Gill P.S, Engineering Drawing, S. K. Kataraia & Sons, New Delhi, 2004/2005

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