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Engineering Chemistry I

Engineering Chemistry I
EG 1105 SH
                                                                                   Total:  6 hour /week
Year:         I                                                            Lecture: 3 hours/week 
Semester:  I                                                           Tutorial: 1 hours/week
                                                                               Practical:   hours/week
Lab: 2 hours/week Course Description:
This subject consists of three units related to general chemistry, language of chemistry, and system of classification necessary to develop background in chemistry that supports for the understanding and practicing related engineering works.
Course Objectives: 
After the completion of this subject, students will be able to explain the basic concepts related to the followings and apply them in the field of related engineering works:
1.     General chemistry
2.     Language of chemistry  3. System of classification
Course Content: 
Unit 1: 
Language of chemistry:                                                                                              [4]
§  Definition 
§  Significance (qualitative and quantitative)

§  Definition 
§  Significance (qualitative and quantitative)
§  Concept of valency in terms of combining capacity with H2, O2, and Cl2 
§     Variable valency  (ref. Fe, Sn, Pb, Cu, Hg, S and N) 
§     Radicals (electro- positive and electro - negative)   § Writing a formula

Chemical equation:  § Definition 
§  Types requisites 
§  Significance and limitation 
§  Balancing of chemical equation by hit and trial method and Partial equation method

Unit 2: 
General chemistry: 
2.1       Atom and molecule: 
§     Definition
§     Dalton's atomic theory and modern position of the theory
2.2       Atomic weight: 
§     Definition 
§     Determination of atomic weight by Dulong and Petit's method and              Related numerical problems 
2.3           Molecular Weight: 
§  Definition
§  Avogadro's hypothesis 
§  Application of Avogadro's hypotheses ( Mol. Wt=2×V.D., in the deduction of atomicity of  elementary gases H2 , Cl2, O2, and N2) 
§  Molecular weight determination by Victor Meyer's method and     Related numerical problems
2.4           Equivalent weight: 
§  Definition 
§  Equivalent weight of element, acid, base and   salt 
§  Equivalent weight determination by hydrogen displacement method and oxide method.
§  Numerical relation between equivalent weight, atomic weight and valency 
§  Some related problems of equivalent wt. (From Hydrogen displacement method and oxide method)
2.5           Simple mole concept:  § Mole of an atom
§  Mole of a molecule 
§  Molar volume and   
§  Simple calculation on mole concept
Unit 3:       System of classification:                                                    [33]
                      3.1       Acid, Base and Salt: 
§  Arrhenius concept of acid and base 
§  Lowry and Bronsted concept of acid and base
§  Conjugate acid and base
§  Amphoteric nature of water
§  Lewis concept of acid and base § Properties of acid and base.
§  Definition of Salt
§  Types of salt (normal, acidic and basic) 
§  Concept of hydrogen ion concentration, pH value and pH Scale  §  Buffer solution. 
                      3.2       Volumetric analysis: 
§  Definition of titration (acidimetry and alkalimetry), 
§  Indicator 
§  End-point (neutralization point)
§  Standard solution (primary and secondary standard solution), Normal, Decinormal, Molar, Molal solution
§  Requisites of primary standard substance
§  Volumetric equation, 
§  Express the strength of solution Normality, Molarity,  Molality, gram per litre and percentage and related numerical problems
                      3.3       Periodic table: 
§   Mendeleef's periodic law 
§   Mendeleef's periodic table
§   Characteristics of groups and periods in the table 
§   Advantages and anomalies of the periodic table
§   Modern periodic law  3.4       Electronic theory valency: 
§   Assumptions 
§   Types 
§   Electrovalency eg. NaCl, MgO, CaS 
§   Covalency eg. H2, O2, N2, CH4, H2O, NH3, C2H2
§   Coordinate co-valency eg.H2O2, SO2, O3, SO3) 
§   Electronic dot structure of some compounds eg.H2SO4, CaCO3, K2SO3 
                      3.5       Electrolysis: 
§   Definition of electrolyte, non-electrolyte and electrolysis 
§   Faraday laws of electrolysis, 
§   Application of electrolysis (electroplating and electro refining)  
§   Electrolysis of acidulated water 
3.6 Oxidation and reduction:  § Classical definition
§   Electronic interpretation
§   Oxidizing agent: Definition and eg O2, O3, oxyacids, halogens, K2Cr2O7,
§   Reducing agent: Definition and eg. H2, H2S with some examples, 
§   auto-oxidation eg.H2O2, HNO2, SO2 
§   Idea of oxidation number 
§   Balancing chemical equation by oxidation number method
                      3.7       Atomic structure: 
§   Subatomic particles (electron, proton and neutron) 
§   Classical α - rays scattering experiment 
§   Rutherford's atomic model and its drawbacks
§   Bohr's atomic model (postulates only) 
§   Composition of nucleus 
§   Mass number and atomic number
§   Isotopes and isobar
§   Arrangement of electron (Bohr - Bury Scheme)
§   Concept of shell and sub shell, 
§   Electronic Configuration and atomic structure of Some elements (Atomic no. 1 to 30)  § Hund's rule 
§   General idea of quantum number and Pauli's exclusion principle
                      3.8       Corrosion: 
§   Definition 
§   Types 
§   Direct and indirect method and prevention against corrosion 
                      3.9       Activity and electrochemical series: 
§   Definition 
§   Action of water, acid and oxygen on metals.
Engineering Chemistry Practical I                                                     [30]
1.              Simple Glass Working            [6]
a.  to cut the glass tube into three equal parts and round up their shape edges 
b.  to bore a hole through a cork 
c.  to bend the glass tubing into acute, obtuse and right angle
d.  to draw a jet and capillary tube 
e.  to fit up a wash bottle 
2.              To separate sand and copper sulphate crystals in pure and dry state from the mixture of
              sand and copper sulphate                                                             [2]
3.              To separate sand and calcium carbonate in pure and dry state from the mixture of sand and calcium carbonate                                                                              [2]
4.              To prepare pure water from supplied impure water by distillation and o test the purity of the sample prepared                                                                              [2] 5.   To neutralize dilute sulphuric acid with sodium carbonate solution, and to recover crystals 
            of sodium sulphate                                                                       [2]
6.              To obtain pure and dry precipitate of barium sulphate by treating excess of dilute
              sulphuric acid with barium chloride solution                              [2]
7.              To investigate the composition of water by electrolysis by using Hofmann's apparatus  [2]
8.              To determine the equivalent weight of reactive metal by hydrogen displacement method.         [2]                
9.              To determine the pH of different unknown solution and using pH paper and universal
              indicator                                                                                       [2]
10.           To prepare primary standard solution of sodium carbonate and to use it to standardize an
              approximate decinormal acid solution                                         [2]
11.           To standardize given unknown acid (Approx N/10) solution by preparing standard alkali
              solution. (Expression of strength in different ways)                    [2]
12.           To standardize given unknown alkali (approximately N/10) solution with the help of by preparing standard acid solution. (Expression of strength in different ways)     [2]                
13.           To carry out conductivity experiments on solids and liquids (CuSO4, Zn, Mg, Al, Fe,
               CCl4, C6H6, C2H5OH)                                                                  [2]

Text books: 
1.              A Text book of Chemistry, Jha and Guglani 
2.              Foundations of Chemistry, Vol. 1, M.K. Sthpit and R.R. Pradhananga 

Reference books:
1.              Fundamentals of Chemistry, K.R. Palak 
2.              Inorganic Chemistry, Bahl and Tuli
3.              A Text book of Engineering Chemistry, R.S. Sharma 
4.              A Textbook of Inorganic Chemistry, L.M. Mitra
5.              Elementary practical chemistry, M.K Sthapit
6.              Engineering Chemistry, M.L. Sharma, K. M. Shrestha, PN, Choudhary
7.              A Textbook of Engineering Chemistry, Prakash Poudel
Other learning materials:
1.     Other references to be selected by the related lecturer(s) from among the texts available in the market that meet the content needs of this subject
2.     Note:  The related institute may develop its own textbook and approve from the related authority so as to have a prescribed textbook of this subject.

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