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Computer Architecture

Computer Architecture
EG 2214 CT
Total: 6 hour /week
Year: II                                                                                                  Lecture: 3 hours/week 
Semester: IV                                                                                        Tutorial: hours/week
Practical: 3 hours/week

Course Description:
This course is an introduction to computer architecture and organization. It covers topics in both the physical design of the computer (organization) and the logical design of the computer (Architecture).

Course Objectives:
After completing this course the student will able to:
1.  Explain the over view of computer organization
2.  Explain the principle of CPU system
3.  Explain the principle of memory system
4.  Explain the principle of data flow

Course Contents:
Methods /Media
Basic computer architecture:  
1.1 Introduction
                History of computer architecture
                Overview of computer organization
                Memory Hierarchy 
                External Memory
                Organization of Hard Disk
1.2 Instruction codes
                Stored Program Organization
                Computer Registers
                Common bus system
                Computer instruction
                Instruction set
1.3  Timing and Control
1.4  Instruction Cycle
                Fetch and decode
1.5 Type of Instruction
                Register reference instruction
                Memory reference instruction
                Input-output and interrupt


Micro programmed
2.1 Control Memory
2.2 Address Sequencing
       Conditional Branching
       Mapping of InstructionSubroutines
2.3 Micro program
       Microinstruction Format
       Symbolic Micro program
       Binary Micro program
2.4 Design of control unit
       Basic requirement of control unit
       Structure of control unit
       Hardwired control unit
       Micro program sequencer


Central Processing
3.1 Processor organization
                Internal structure of CPU 3.2 General Register Organization: Control word. 
                Stack organization. 
                Instruction Formats
                Addressing Modes
3.3 Data transfer and Manipulation:
                Data Transfer Instructions
                Data Manipulation Instructions
                Arithmetic Instructions
                Logical and Bit Manipulation Instructions
                Shift Instructions.
3.4 Program control:
                Status bit conditions
                Conditional Branch Instructions
                Subroutine Call and Return Program Interrupt
                Types of Interrupts.
3.5 Reduced Instruction SetComputer (RISC):
                CISC Characteristics
                RISC Characteristics


Arithmetic and Memory
4.1 Addition and Subtraction:
   Hardware Implementation-
   Hardware Algorithm

                Addition and Subtraction with Signed-2's Complement
4.2 Multiplication Algorithms:
                Booth Multiplication Algorithm
4.3 Division Algorithms:
                Divide Overflow
                Hardware Algorithm Floating Point Arithmetic
                Basic Considerations
                Register Configuration
4.4 Memory concept
                Main Memory
                Auxiliary Memory
4.5 Associative Memory Hardware
                Match Logic
                Read operation and Write operation
                Cache memory
                Associative Mapping
                Direct Mapping
                Set-Associative Mapping Writing into Cache
                Cache Initialization.
4.6 Virtual Memory
                Address space and Memory space
                Address mapping Using Pages
                Associative Memory page table
                Page Replacement

Pipeline and
5.1 Parallel Processing
   Arithmetic Pipeline
   Instruction Pipeline
5.2 Pipeline Example
   Four Segment Instruction Pipeline
   Data Dependency
   Handling of Branch Instructions
RISC Pipeline
   Three Segment Instruction Delayed Load
   Delayed branch.

5.4 Multiprocessors
   Characteristics of Multiprocessors
   Interconnection Structure: TimeShared Common Bus, Multiport
Memory, Crossbar Switch, Multistage Switching Network, and Hypercube interconnection

Perform the following tasks:
1.     Implement the addition and subtraction algorithms
2.     Implement the addressing modes
3.     Study of 8259 programmable interrupt controller - Development of interrupt service routine
4.     Keyboard/display controller- Keyboard scan- blinking and rolling display
5.     Parallel data transfer.
6.     Study of Microcomputer development system

Text books:
1. Morris Mano. M., Computer System architecture, PHI, Third Edition.

Reference books:
1.  Hamacher.V.C.,Vranesic. Z. G and Zaky .S. G, Computer Organisation, McGraw Hill, New York,III Edition,1990.
2.  Hayes," Computer System Architecture",Mc Graw Hill,1998.
4. William Stallings, "Computer Organization and Architecture", Pearson, Tenth Edition


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